Thursday, March 1, 2012

Prima Scheduled to Arrive Friday


Just checked the UPS website to track the order carrying all the new Prima goodies I ordered and it is scheduled to arrive by end of day on Friday.  There are lots of really cool trinket charms, art tiles, & some of Donna Downey's new items.  With any luck I'll have it all priced and out on the shelf by the time I head home tomorrow.  At least it'll be priced and set out somewhere you can see it all by then.....I should have some photos posted by Saturday noon.

(yes.....leak NOT peek!)
Lisa informed me today that she is working on a class that is really different....  something she has been thinking about for quite a while.  I've seen just a piece or two of it and if I say so myself, it is going to be fun and interesting.  Needless to say, if you think you might be interested in something different......  start collecting your junque mail.  Really.... your junque mail.... & paper stuff you would throw away.  Oh, and you might be looking through those magazines you are getting ready to throw away cuz you might want to be tearing out some of those cool graphics and photos you like but don't quite know what to do with.  I'm just saying.... think fun, think artsy, and get ready to see your junque mail in a whole new way!

That's it for now.....  Until next post..... Happy Stampin'!

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