Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Big News

By now most of you on the email list have read our big announcement. But if you haven't, then Lisa and I want you to know that we are taking the big plunge and My Heart's Fancy will become a Rubber Stamp and Art Supply store in January! We're very excited to be giving our complete and entire attention to the world of stamping and paper crafting.

And we're also excited to announce that we will be moving into a new location as well. We hope to be in the new location and open by the second week of January. After an exhaustive search we settled on a new shopping center at 164th and Penn called Fenwick Plaza. It's new and there is plenty of parking. We will have a more usable classroom space and we hope to be able to accomodate just a few extra people with ease. We hope you will enjoy it and we look forward to providing you with even more fun things to do as well as provide you with a more comprehensive selection of art supplies. We will post more about the new store as details are available.

A move and change of focus means that we have a lot of gift merchandise to move. Beginning Tuesday, November 2 all gift merchandise (with a few exceptions) will be 40% off. We have to get it out before Christmas so be sure to take advantage of this great opportunity to nab some great Christmas presents for friends, neighbors and family!

Although we didn't have time to get the packets ready for Demo Day, they are ready for pick-up now. We will be closed Friday and Saturday to prepare for the sale, but if you'll give us a call we'll meet you at the door with a packet. Tags are due back by November 20th which is Demo Day and we'll have them swapped, photo'd and ready to return to you by the day after Thanksgiving, November 26 (going by memory, didn't consult the calendar).....

That's it for now..... Until next post..... Happy Stampin'!

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