Tuesday, May 20, 2008

June/July Class Schedule

June's schedule is short due to Lisa's upcoming vacation but classes for the 1st part of July are included here. Demo Day has been rescheduled to June 28th so be sure you mark it on your calendar.

Bird Tag Shadow Box - June 3, 5 & 6 FULL (an additional class has been added to July's schedule.

Fancy Tag Cards: June 10, 12, & 13 - This class is really cute and uses Hero's new fancy tags.

Pretty Flowers: June 26, & 27th - This class includes a clear stamp set from Inkadinkado and the cards you create will be suitable for all occasions.

Demo Day: June 28 - 10:30 - 4 - Always Free - Always a Make-It-Take-It

My Favorite Things: July 1 - This is a requested repeat from May for those who were unable to take it. It features stamps from the My Favorite Things stamp company.

ATC Accordian Pocket Holder: July 8 - If you like ATC's you'll love this classy holder made from mini envelopes.

Bird Tag Shadow Box: Sun, July 13 - This is a repeat of the class from May which "sold out" before some of you could sign up! This is an incredible piece of art and you'll want to find a prominent place in your house for it.

Tuesday and Thursday classes begin promptly at 6pm. Friday morning classes begin at 10:30. You must prepay for your class to hold your space. Occasionally there are places availabe at the last minute so don't hesitate to call. And if you have questions, call us at 405-751-2690.

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